Christmas 2005

Christmas with the grandparents 2 days before Christmas day


They each got a tree ornament. My grandpa's was a snowman and my grandma's was an angel. Sources say there was no favoritism at the time of wrapping the presents.

With out fail, my dad always gets his almond M&M's.Grandpa really likes his 1.25-pound can of peanut brittle...

...and coffee...

...and fruit cake.

...and peanuts. It was a very edible Christmas.

If you look at her mouth, you can almost hear the "Ooooo-ing" coming out of the photo.

Wal-Mart Gift card. What every college go-er needs. 6 pack of Pringles. Can life get better?

Yeah, I'm reading the comics. It was used as packing material. I bet my grandparents didn't know they were wrapping my present with a present.I think I put too much packing material in her present.

It was worth it though. She got pie filling. Something all grandmas should have at any given time.

My dad got a book all about the water/sewer system in New York City.

Group photo before my grandparents left.

Christmas morning

Chocolate covered Espresso beans. If that doesn't get you up in the morning, nothing will.

The main hold up for Christmas morning gifts was my dad organizing the music for our CD player. Honestly, I may be 19 but I'm still impatient like my 12-year-old counterpart.

That's right ladies, those are the genuine "Velour Lounge Pant" from last year.

I really needed ink. Printing off cheats to Playstation games takes up a lot of ink while at school.

Hey Yusshy! You remember when we used these sanders in Nebraska on church pews. Yeah, this one traps the dust. We really needed that. We also needed 16 less inches of snow on that trip but we worked with it.

Ahhh. Wireless freedom. Grand Theft Auto from my bed. Welcome to heaven.

Good thing Mary drove from Chicago to our house. We got her a 7.5-foot high Christmas tree. I can see it now, Mary cramming that into the overhead bin on the plane with everyone just staring at her.

The dorm vacuum's suck. I asked for my own. Don't worry Tony, it's quieter then you think.

I had to have people tell me some of the colors in this shirt.

This is a wireless temperature and rain station. This way, he can check if it's too cold or rainy to go to work. Ohh wait, he's retired. Maybe if it's too cold or gloomy from rain, he doesn't get out of bed. All right, I'll admit it. I'm jealous.

Everyone agrees. The face on Mary made them laugh.

Photo album covered her trip to Japan way back in the day.

Christmas Evening

My uncle was in mid sentence with the Christmas tree when someone asked him a question.

I wrapped those presents. I'm awesome like that. She had to put a crowbar to it just to open her gift.

Ha, I totally surprised my cousin.

A rainjacket that folds into a little purse. What happens if it's raining and you have to pay for something?

For a split second, the house turned into a hellish red and then right back. I think it's because I opened my present of "Four Brothers".

I got this unbelievable set of drip bits. Paul on my left got a car starter kit.

Seriously. Who needs a 1/32 drill bit? I do, that's who.

Then Paul and I got survivor kits from Eddie Bauer. Either our parents are trying to push us from a moving plane in the air over forest or they want to go camping.

I think it's blue.

Hannah's CD player with built in FM/AM. I asked her who got her that and she replied that I did. I then replied back that it was a really nice gift from me.

I had a weird expression on my face because Kermit the Frog, on the mantle, was kicking me.

Food time. We had some Ghirardelli chocolate covered peanut putter things. Everyone made their rounds at least twice for this buffet. Side note: I misspelled buffet at an all school spelling bee in 8th grade.

Katie opening her gift of a pair of I heart NY glasses.

Katie's look on her face really does justice to the jewelry she was opening that instant from me.

Katie's house that evening

The living room with some of the kids. Mostly Amos family and associates.

All the kids at the party plus "Bob" the robosapian. I'll explain that later in the form of videos.

You might notice Katie here in the foreground but your attention should be on the creepy ginger bread men in the background. They're evil and always smiling. Something's up and I'm going to get to the bottom of it, even if it means eating off arms and legs. Still doubt me? Look at the bottom right ginger bread man. He's missing an eye not to mention the others that are hiding in the tree!

Lastly, you might not really think this photo is important but it's quite the opposite. This is Maggie. She's the one who got me a great corner 7th floor apartment to take photos of the plaza.

Goofy Robosapian Commercial